Why BCM One

BCM One Has a Mix of Services and Solutions for Your Biggest IT Headaches

When IT network infrastructure and communication projects go well, everyone high fives. When they fail, everyone points fingers. Make sure no one points at you. Choose BCM One.

Our approach is unique.

There are many ways to meet your organization’s IT needs, but BCM One’s approach is unique. We’ll work side by side with your team to tackle every challenge, or take it on ourselves if that suits your needs.

People come to us when they experience:

exclamation-triangle Resource Constraints

Our account team will meet with you to learn about your business and technology needs and identify any immediate areas of focus. There’s never a hard sell and if we can’t offer solutions to your challenges, we’ll let you know.

exclamation-triangle Out of Control IT Spend

These days, IT costs represent a significant portion of the budget for most organizations. Some of that money is well spent, but our years of experience helping IT teams understand and manage their spending has taught us that a shocking number of dollars are wasted every year. When budgets need tightening, IT is a smart place to look for opportunities to invest more efficiently.

exclamation-triangle Inefficient, Disconnected, Networks

In a multi-site, complex organization, it doesn’t take long for networks to become a tangle of workarounds, wasted resources, and bandwidth disparities. Adding networks on top of networks is easy; finding a holistic approach to efficient use of capacity is not.

exclamation-triangle Changing Workforce Environments

IT management was much simpler when everyone sat in the same building and used the same equipment. That ship has sailed. Remote work is here to stay and workers increasingly insist on using the devices they love.

exclamation-triangle Rapid Growth

Rapid growth is exactly the problem you want to have, but scaling up IT resources to support it is always a tough proposition. It’s during times of quick expansion that it’s easy to make decisions that seem OK in the short-term but cause massive headaches in the future.

exclamation-triangle Modern Communications Platform Requirements

The way people work has transformed. A stand-alone phone system is no longer adequate to support teams that live in our multi-channel world. For today’s workers, an integrated approach to voice, video, text, productivity, and collaboration is required.

exclamation-triangle Too Many Choices

There are thousands of software and hardware vendors who would be delighted to have you as a customer. The sheer number of options can make technology selection overwhelming. How do you know that you’re getting a solution that will meet your needs at the best price and with a solid implementation plan?

the bcm difference

What Sets BCM One Apart

BCM One brings to the table a broad offering of technology solutions and managed services that are crafted into a bundle that’s customized for your organization. We can draw a straight line between the solutions we provide and the challenges you are experiencing.

We understand that our clients choose us because they trust us to solve their problems with the utmost professionalism. That’s why we offer world-class customer service and support for a white-glove experience. We wouldn’t exist if our customers didn’t agree.

Our greatest asset is our team of experts who have thousands of hours of experience among them solving problems. Our model gives you access to subject matter and industry experts that few companies could assemble in-house.

We have partnerships with more than 50 technology providers. What this means for you is that we can assemble the ideal technology stack for your organization. Instead of a bunch of vendors to manage, we offer you integrated software, support and services from one source.

The BCM One Experience

From the moment we sit down with you to learn about your technology needs until we are supporting an efficient IT engine, the BCM One experience is our promise to you.

check-circle Identify

Our account team will meet with you to learn about your business and technology needs to identify any immediate areas of focus. There’s never a hard sell and if we can’t offer solutions to your challenges, we’ll let you know.

check-circle Recommend

If there’s a fit, we’ll recommend the right mix of services and technology solutions to address your short and long-term needs. For us, technology isn’t the only consideration. We look closely at your strategic business goals when making recommendations.

check-circle Communicate

We will assign a team of experts to partner with you throughout the installation, training and maintenance processes. You’ll always have a person you can contact directly for questions, guidance and expertise.

check-circle Analyze

We’ll meet with you regularly to discuss progress, analyze data, and make additional recommendations. Unlike a one-and-done systems integrator, we’re your partner that will be there for your team as long as you need us.